Pantry OPEN - Monday
9 AM - 11:30 AM & 2 PM - 5:45 PM
Pantry CLOSED - Tuesday
Pantry OPEN - Wednesday
9 AM - 11:30 AM & 2 PM - 4 PM
Pantry OPEN - Thursday
9 AM - 11:30 AM ONLY
Pantry CLOSED - Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 5 pm
We are open to
answering calls and referrals.
What We Do
Dream Pantry
The Dream Pantry is designed to look like a Grocery Store, where individuals are issued a Digital E-Card with points uploaded every month. Each household is issued 1 card and are responsible to budget their points throughout the month. Families can visit the Dream Pantry once a week. We have designated Thursdays for seniors (60 yrs. old and older) to have a safe place to shop.

Providing assistance to those who are experiencing a NATURAL DISASTER or a LIFE CRISIS with resources and referrals.
Basic Needs: Clothing, shoes, housewares (dishes, can opener, etc) Bedding, and towels.
Homeless: Clothing, shoes, tents or tarps, backpack, MREs, Day Shelter from extreme heat (100 degrees or high) or extreme cold (32 degrees or lower)
Referrals: Universal referral system with the Greater Gulf Coast Community Network and the United Way. We are connecting our neighbors with over 35 community partners.
Email: resources@bcdreamcenter.org
for referrals
Collaborating with local social service agencies to better serve our clientele
within the Dream Center Facilities.
Community Health Network, provides health care services call 281-824-1480 or www.mychn.org for appointments.
River of Hope provides rent & utilities assistance call 979-299-9464 or www.riverofhopetx.org for information.

Dream Gifts Program
Providing Christmas assistance to those who are unable to give gifts to their children (ages infant - 15 years) due to a life crisis event.
2024 Registration
will be online October 23 -
November 15
Request from Nov. 20 - Dec. 13
Gifts Distribution
will be Dec. 20
*All registration information is shared with other organizations to eliminate duplication.